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The ENJOYMENT Experiment

with Sara Jessica Laamanen and Guest Presenter David Bingham

Please join us for a 9 Week experiment to discover how living FULLY and JOYFULLY is the Answer and Solution to Your Greatest Challenges..


What if we have it all wrong?  What if the abundance, health and love we are seeking is found effortlessly by turning our compass toward the fullest enjoyment of life vs the ambitious conquering of goals?


Are you tired of trying so hard and getting nominal results?  The answer to realizing your dreams is not through trying harder or desperately seeking a solution to your problem. 


The answer is found in the most unlikely place – by turning your attention to how you can simply enjoy today more and find greater laughter and pleasure in the present moment.  What if your level of success is a result of how much you laughed today or found enjoyment in each person or task vs how many hours you worked?  What if pleasure, rather than pushing, is what truly fuels productivity? 


Join David and Sara for a magical journey into your effortless and dream-like life, where all your wishes can be spontaneously delivered through your open and joyful engagement with the present moment.


Become EFFORTLESS and learn to respond to life rather than chase down what is already yours.  In our 9 week experiment you will practice and learn how to stop trying and instead allow life to begin its mysterious and powerful genius in delivering all you desire, in a surprisingly delightful and effortless way. 


The answer and solution to every problem in life is spontaneously revealed when one is fully engaged in life, living in joy and inner peace, openness, love, compassion, true presence, and simple delight! 


This is the great paradox of our time where scarcity and fear frequencies predominate and have hypnotized most of us into believing we are not doing enough and so, we are losing the race. 


But nothing is lost and it’s never too late.  You can turn the momentum of your life into pure magic and dream-like wonder, as you begin to truly LIVE FULLY, in all the Joy that your being was created for.  


There is no fight to fight and no lack to overcome.  Open to a reality that not only serves you and your goals but also all of humanity, as you begin to radiate the higher frequencies of joy, delight and love and live as an example of effortless alignment with your true nature. 


Due to societal conditioning, it’s not uncommon to seek or look for permission to prioritize enjoyment and pleasure in life.  Our conditioning seeks to guilt us into longer hours and greater sacrifice, as if choosing anything less would be reckless and selfish – but this is not true.  


In this 9 week experiment, you will you not only give yourself permission to test the efficacy of a life fully lived through optimizing enjoyment and delight but you’ll also unravel the paradigm of suffering that has kept you from the joy and happiness that is your birthright.


In this unraveling and self-discovery process, you’ll have proof of the falsehoods we’ve been conditioned to believe and you’ll witness the higher power and stunning efficacy of your True Nature, to live in a naturally effortless, abundant, fun and joyful way. 


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Once you witness the magic unfolding in your own life and the lives of your course peers, you’ll have the opportunity to change the entire course of your life in the most exciting ways!


We welcome you in joyful anticipation of the magic and manifestations that our community will activate and celebrate, as we return to our true nature and rediscover the PURE JOY and MAGIC OF LIFE (and the infinite Being) ITSELF!


EMAIL to JOIN!  $497 CDN Starting on SEPT 29/22 - 9 LIVE Sessions

Course Outline:

WEEK 1: Why trying hard and being serious doesn’t work – question the value of seriousness and hard work and how it impacts our energy field and discover the power of joyful 'flow' States. 


WEEK 2: Why doing what you should do or being Responsible FIRST is keeping you from your highest potential – Authentic and Unapologetic Self Expression: How being YOUR True Self and shedding ‘shoulds’ will activate your true talent/purpose/passion. 


WEEK 3: Why your thoughts and feelings are overrated.  Welcome to the source of all your suffering and limitation =  The Mental Realm.  Thoughts are 95% conditioned and programmed – they are not your content and are not even held ‘in mind’ or inside of you.  Let go of interfering thoughts and feelings and expand beyond the Mental Realm.


WEEK 4: Why controlling the emotions (declining invitations into emotional drama) is one of the highest achievements you’ll ever make.  When negative emotions are permitted entry into our energy field, a leak is created and our energy is being harvested.  The greater the energy field, the more power one has.  Low energy fields must use force to get or acquire or achieve.  Nurture a robust energy field and attract that which is desired and vibrates at higher levels.  


WEEK 5:  Intelligence vs Wisdom: Why Judgment leads us away from Wisdom – Creating an Alliance with Wisdom through Openness and Neutrality – a life without mental judgment.  Discover life beyond the mental realm and step into the magical realm of the Wisdom Body…


WEEK 6: How to Win the ENERGY Game of Life (Personal VS Impersonal, EGO vs Infinite Being) – Choosing Effortless Being and The Higher Frequency Feelings as the Daily Intention and Compass.   Become an open channel for the JOY, divorce strict allegiance to the mind and emotions and explore a new level of TRUST in life and the wisdom that exists beyond a limited human perspective.


WEEK 7:  The Enjoyment Principle at work: Why productivity and prosperity are optimized through a joyful being and how to put it to work!


WEEK 8: Accessing Higher States and Maintaining them to activate the energies that produce magic and miracles for self and others.  Enjoy the experience of a group intention process and explore higher states of Bliss,  Infinite Love, and Unconditional Joy!


WEEK 9: Q and A  DEEP Dive and Course Completion!


EMAIL to JOIN!  $497 CDN Starting on SEPT 29/22 - 9 LIVE Sessions on Thursdays at 1pm PT/4pm ET/9pm UK Time (no Session on Nov 24th) and completing on Dec 1st/22.  

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